Wednesday 18 May 2016

Nigerians and Depression.

With the current situation in Nigeria,it is normal to feel sad at times but people with depression feel sad most days. Depression makes it hard to care for yourself and your family.

Symptoms of Depression
Talk to your healthcare provider if you have some of these signs for more than 2 weeks

  • Feel sad.
  • Sleep too little or all the time.
  • Feel tired all the time.
  • Feel nervous or cranky.
  • Cry a lot.
  • Eat too much or all the time.
  • Have no interest in eating.
  • Feel guilty for no reason.
  • Feel hopeless
  • Have trouble paying attention.
  • Notice that things that used to make you happy don't make you happy anymore.
  • Think about death or try to kill yourself. 

Depression can be treated with Medicines or counselling and sometimes both are used. Medicines used to treat depression are called ANTIDEPRESSANTS.

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