Sunday, 17 July 2016

Cancer,Nutrition and your Health 2

Surmised by Agusi Patrick


The three approved methods of cancer treatment in the U.S are currently surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. And, in a typical hospital environment, these are all that exist as far as you are concerned. (Like I said in the last lesson, a medical practitioner could lose his license should he recommend any "unapproved" alternative therapy to the patient).

However, there are better, safer and more effective protocols to apply, if you truly want to rid, or prevent yourself from getting cancer. I am not telling you to forego traditional therapy, but, taking a quote directly from Robert, "... These are what I will do if I had cancer."

You see, in a study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (1987), 81% of cancer specialists who prescribe such drugs, would not consent to chemotherapy themselves if they or their families had cancer. A disturbing fact. Also, another study by Clinical Oncology revealed that only about 3% of those undergoing chemotherapy survive for more than five years.

"Cytotoxic (cell-killing) is the word that describes chemotherapeutic drugs. Chemotherapy kills all the cells of the body, not just cancer cells. The risk is that chemo will kill the patient before it kills the cancer - which usually happens. Therefore, the only question that will be asked when deciding whether or not to begin chemo is this: will this drug prolong the patient's lifespan? Is it likely to? The unadorned data says no".- Dr. Tim O'Shea.

Chemotherapy is a dangerous kind of treatment; its benefits are mostly short-term, and it does a lot of harm to the body. Why then is it still among the gold standard of treatments endorsed by many specialists?

The answer is that many specialists actually don't know any better, and alternative therapies are not supported by approved "clinical trials" (which are only allowed for pharmaceutical Companies - see lesson 1 for insight), hence the options of the patient are severely limited. However, there are lots of well-documented healed bodies and empirical evidence out there that suggest that alternative therapy CAN be a much more successful method of curing cancer than any of the big three.

It is safer than traditional methods, at least.

Professor John Cairns from the Harvard University School of Public Health describes radiation treatment (another form of traditional therapy) as such, "The majority of cancers cannot be cured by radiation because the dose of X-rays required to kill all the cancer cells would also kill the patient."

This is because radiation can 'cause' cancer itself. It has a probability to trigger cell mutation, and just like in chemotherapy, the bone marrow; wherein blood cells are made, is largely obliterated in the field of irradiation. This would cause complications in the human body that can even occur within a year or two of completing therapy. Not good.

Surgery, on the other hand, can be life-saving, especially in terms of end-stage tumor growth; but according to many alternative therapy specialists, it should be your last resort, not your first one. The reason is because, as explained by Robert G. Wright, "A tumor is only a symptom of a deeper problem; it is the body's method of encapsulating the invader, the cancer. If you take it out, the cancer is still there."

Many times in real-life situations, we have seen cancer patients get cut open and told that all of the cancerous growth have been removed, and then they are placed on chemo and radiation. Nine out of ten times though, the cancer (tumor) comes back with a vengeance, and once it does, it is now more difficult to kill than ever. The demise of the patient steadily approaches from there.

If you find yourself asking in your mind, what then now would be the best means to tackle this apparently unstoppable "killer", you would do well to continue on to the next topic.


You might be wondering now, if there is any reasonable chance at all for a cancer patient to be healed.Well, naturopaths, nutritionists and alternative therapy specialists say YES.

But, before we go into alternative treatments and remedies and whatnot, you must realize that to prevent/conquer/overcome cancer, there are some things YOU MUST STOP DOING RIGHT NOW.

As explained in the last lesson, you are what you eat/drink/put on and sleep. You are also how you move (exercise). The biggest mistake of allopathic medicine occurs (and it occurs a lot) when specialists assure cancer patients that they can continue living their normal lives as long as they are on chemotherapy.

This is a fallacy.

There are some things that you MUST STOP DOING if you are battling cancer, and these things would also be useful to practice for anyone who doesn't have them. Remember, prevention is the best cure.

Sugar and Cancer:

It is scientifically proven that cancer feeds on sugar. It prophylates anaerobically in cells, destroys the Kreb's cycle and produces lactic acid as a by-product, which then goes to the liver, is changed back to sugar, and then sent back to the cells to feed more cancer.

Avoid soft drinks and snacks high in sugar (this is very important!). Avoid high fructose corn syrup and honey too. Avoid a good majority of fruits, apart from the ones I will later recommend. The relationship between cancer and sugar is a very serious matter and may help save your life.

Diary products and Meat:

Although milk is high in calcium; the human body can only absorb small amounts at a time, making the large amounts of calcium in milk irrelevant to nutrition. A more effective source of calcium would be green, leafy vegetables and small fresh-water food.

Another major concern about milk is the fact that almost all diary products contain potential tumor-promoting growth hormones, which are usually fed to cows to super-size them or improve their milk production. And if that isn't enough of a scare for you, remember this: cow milk is designed for calves; it contains more fat and protein than the human body needs. A newborn cow can double its weight in 47 days, but a human infant needs at least 180!

On the issue of meat, it is scientifically proven that meat digestion requires a lot of energy, producing oxidation and free radicals (a very dangerous thing). Another, partial, result of meat digestion are purines (toxic leftovers) which produce even more free radicals. Free radicals are bad, and more would be explained on this on a later lesson.

It also takes meat 72 hours and longer to transit the entire body (almost 4 times the time it takes fruit and vegetables), and a diet rich in meat usually results in a colon containing undigested plaque lining the interior walls, that block the absorption of nutrients. This plaque can sometimes form polyps (hardened clumps in your colon) and diverticuli, which are the identified as the major pre-cursors for colon cancer.

On a later lesson describing diet and enzymes, more will be discussed on meat and diary, and how to obtain vitamin B12 (majorly found in meat), without  needing to ingest it, however, for now, avoid meat if you can. If you must absolutely eat meat, go for small amounts of freshwater fish and organic chicken or turkey (not suya please), but this must be done in moderation. Once a month, at least, is considered best.


First of all, you must know; ALMOST all clinical studies reveal with a rather spectacular certainty that aspartame causes cancer. And yet, it is there in almost every artifically sweetened product you can lay your hands on. Sodas, canned drinks, jams, cereals, powdered flavourants, juice blends - check the labels; many a product utilize aspartame.

When aspartame enters the human body, it breaks down into fumaric acid, DKP and formaldehyde. Fumaric acid is the same chemical utilized in the sting of some insects, DKP relates very closely to brain cancer and formaldehyde is used for embalming.

You see, aspartame is sometimes classified as an "excitotoxin" - meaning that it stimulates/excites cells to death.

According to Dr. Betty Martini (founder of Mission Possible World Health International), "The aspartame industry tries to tell you that aspartame and phenylalanine are some of the building blocks of protein. Dr. Madelon Price... (sic) once explained this very well... (sic) the difference is that, in food, they (aspartame and phenylalanine) are bound into complex proteins and linked to complex carbohydrates that take many hours to break down and be slowly absorbed in appropriate quantities into the body. The trouble with aspartame is that, in the acidic warm environment of the body, it is broken down very quickly and overwhelms the protective mechanisms that keep aspartate, phenylalanine and methanol from being taken up too quickly or that dispose of toxic by-products."

What this simply means is that the aspartame you see in artificial products, is different from the starter protein found in natural foods. Artifical aspartame gets absorbed and releases toxic products far too quickly for the body to cope with. The toxic by-products released are cancerous.

Neotame, is another excitotoxin (read neurotoxin) similar in structure to aspartame that is gradually replacing the latter in artificially sweetened products. Like aspartame it is also a certified processing ingredient; and it seems that there is a law in the US allowing it to not be included in the labeling..... another reason to avoid artificial products.

Sadly, according to Robert G. Wright, the main producer of aspartame, Ajinomoto, has changed the name of its product to "Aminosweet" and have marketed it as a natural sweetener. Should I remind you to beware?

Other Foods to Avoid

Packaged foods, hydrogenated oils (except olive and coconut oil), trans fats, black pepper, junk food, bottled/canned/wrapped peanuts, cashews and corns (think fungus and aflatoxins), butter, margarine, coffee (with a few exceptions), alcohol, sports drinks, sodas, artificial sweeteners, white rice and, sadly, table salt, are all bad for you. These are DEFINITE no-no's if you have cancer, and would also prove useful to avoid if you wish to prevent them.

While a lot of fruits are good; their high sugar content makes them dangerous to cancer patients. Limes, fresh lemons, pawpaws, graviolas and avocados are highly recommended though.

The next lesson will focus on other things you must stop doing, and the ones you must start if you wish to conquer cancer. A few extra dietary habits would be touched upon too.

You might not believe it, but the body is its own best healer. Proper dietary adjustment (however hard it might seem) is the number one proven alternative therapy/adjutant for cancer. No therapeutic method for this disease (both alternative and allopathic) would work successfully without the prerequisite culinary habit. Just like the saying "You are what you eat", your diet can heal or ruin you alone. This is a very important lesson to note.

(Sources: Killing People not Cancer by Robert G. Wright, and The Enzyme Factor by Hiromi Shinya M.D)

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