Thursday, 14 July 2016

Cancer,Nutrition and your Health 1

Surmised by Agusi Patrick


"The gold standards for traditional cancer treatment in the US are currently surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. In other words, slash, poison and burn.

In December 2004, Clinical Oncology published a study which reviewed the data of adult patients receiving chemotherapy. The five year survival rate for adult cancer patients on chemotherapy was found to be 2.3% (Australia) and 2.1% (US). This data didn't calculate the possibility of recurrent cancer after the first five years, and yet you can already see that the results are very disappointing."- Lynn Jennings, M.D.


The way we live, the environment we exist in, what we eat and drink, are in a large part, the reasons we get cancer. Many experts believe genetics play a major role. The honest truth, however, is that it is estimated that up to 5% of us may carry a gene that predisposes us to cancer, and even within these 5%, 'the gene must be expressed' to set things in motion. How we live our lives play a major role in whether or not this expression is realized.

Look back for a moment to the turn of the 20th century. The era when the average person ate whole foods spawned from mineral-rich soils free from inorganic pesticides. When a piece of candy or a bottle of soda was a rare treat. When trans fats were unheard of, hydrogenated oils were yet to come and there was still iodine in bread. Yearly consumption of sugar was only 5 pounds unlike the 170 pounds that is averaged today. These days, our diet have been replaced with soda pop, artificial sweeteners, margarine, preservatives, flavourants and processed foods of every form. Comparing the cancer indexes between those days and now, it is evident that the food we eat is killing us.

Showers today are taken in highly chlorinated water (chlorine is a poison) and we drink water and use pastes that contain this chlorine and flouride (another poison). Deodorants have chemicals and aluminum in them, and some of us smoke cigarettes which contains over a 100 known carcinogens.

The era of believing that cancer is simply pre-disposed to genetics is gone. You are what you eat. And by extension, you are also what you drink, what you put on, what you breathe and how you move (exercise).


When we are born, our bodies are slightly alkaline, and, in most instances, this produces a very healthy inner environment. Remember the pH scale back in secondary school? The scale is from 0 to 14 with 7 being neutral. Everything below 7 is acidic and everything above is alkaline. Every jump of 1 point is 10 times the preceeding value too.

Therefore, an alkaline reading of 8.5 is 10 times more alkaline than one of 7.5. Likewise, a body with a pH of 4.5 (diseased) is 100 times more acidic than one with a pH of 6.5.

Incredibly, the urine pH of many cancer patients is in the 4 range. And 'all' cancer patients are acidic.


As a liscenced medical practitioner, it is not 'politically' correct to say that cancer treatments are ineffective. Nor, are you really allowed to tell people that alternative cancer treatments might work.

The truth is that cancer is ALL about money and power. Look at this:

"Breast Cancer Awareness Month is now 26 years old. In the 26 years since it was launched by AZ to help sell the Company's cancer drugs, it has been a wild success (for AZ; and any who makes money off cancer screenings and treatments). But when it comes to saving lives, it has been a miserable failure. Up to 15 lives are ruined with unnecessary breast-chopping surgery and radiation treatments for every 1 life 'saved' - and plenty of those whose lives are saved from cancer were actually caused by the radioactive and tumor-bursting screenings in the first place."- Dr. William Campbell Douglass, M.D.

"The 'Race for the Cure', (while noble in conception) is one of the greatest sociomedical cons (scams) ever pulled off by the pharmaceutical industry. Here's how it works:

First, the drug companies take over the cancer non-profit organizations by donating huge sums of money and getting their own executives on the boards of these organizations. From there, all decisions by the cancer non-profits are made to protect the interest of the drug companies. Today, virtually all cancer non-profit organizations are actually Big Pharma front groups that push cancer treatment (which makes lots of profit), but never prevention.... (sic) Cancer, you see, is big business."- Mike Adams, Health Ranger.

To prove this point, Vernon Hill, a successful health volunteer who raised nearly $900,000 for the American Cancer Society, resigned after his research discovered that many of the high ranking officers of the ACS were making as much as a million dollars a year, and that only a small percentage of the money went to actual research.

(Published Morehead City News Times article, January 10th, 2010)

Ladies and Gentlemen, there is lots of money to be made in the cancer industry, but there are little positive results too, and to make it worse; those who challenged the status quo of treatments and research have been ridiculed and run out of town, sent to prison or financially ruined. Doctors, clinicians and researchers have been chased to Mexico by the FDA and FTC for "healing" cancer patients through "unapproved" devices, foods and natural supplements. This is the current Cancer system of the world.


"It starts with with aspirin for relieving a simple headache or backache. When one aspirin tablet can no longer mask the pain, you decide to take two. After a few months, two tablets would become insufficient and you go for a stronger compound.

By this time, it becomes neccessary to take something for the ulcers that have formed in your stomach due to the aspirin. Now, you are on two medications: an analgesic and an ulcer-relieving one.

After a few months, these medications are starting to disrupt your liver function. If a good infection develops, you now take some penicillin. This penicillin will damage your RBCs and spleen so that you develop anemia sometime. Another medication is then taken to cover up the anemia. By the time all of these medications put such a strain on your kidneys - they should break down.

It is now time to introduce more antibiotics into the system. When these destroy your natural resistance to disease, you can expect a general flair-up of all your symptoms. The next step is to cover up all these symptoms with some good sulfur-based drugs. When the kidneys finally plug, you can have them drained. Some poison would build up in your system, but you can keep going for quite a while.

By now, the medications in your body will be so confused they won't know what they are supposed to be doing anymore, and this is now when you will go and apply for an appointment with your Maker...."- Dr Jimmy Steger, Nutritionist and Naturopathic Doctor.

Drugs only mask the symptoms, allowing the body, at best, time to heal itself. We must give our body the tools necessary to rebuild and regenerate healthy cells. These are minerals such as copper, calcium, magnesium, iodine, manganese, zinc, potassium, cobalt, sodium, selenium and chromium. The best sources of these minerals are dieting and additional supplementation. Dieting can make the difference between surviving a cancer and not.


This is only the introduction. As time goes on, I will upload deeper and more informative summaries on health, cancer therapy and dietary regimes and approaches.

What we've learned so far:

- Chemotherapy has only a minute (very minute) chance of helping the survival of cancer patients.

- Genetics, while relevant to cancer studies, are not necessarily important. Your environment, food, and lifestyle is what predisposes you to cancer expression.

- Alternative cancer therapy CAN and HAVE worked better than traditional allopathic therapy, but the powers-that-be behind these industries need to keep making profit.

- Drugs are good to take when in need, but drug usage is what actually destroys the body system at the very end. The best approach is to formulate a lifestyle that would reduce the necessity of using drugs.

Thank you for reading. Till next time.

(Content cited from the book Killing Cancer Not People by Robert G. Wright).

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