Friday 23 September 2016

Children living with cancer seek subsidized treatments

As treatment for cancer remains herculean in the country, children living with cancer and their families, have urged the Federal Government to subsidise cancer treatment for children as obtained in other parts of the world.

The 2016 WALKATON organised by Children Living With Cancer Foundation, CLWCF, took off at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, LUTH, to the National Stadium and back. It was organised to raise funds for a cold centrifuge, a blood separator machine at LUTH and raise awareness on childhood cancer. A Consultant Paediatric Haematologist and Oncologist at LUTH, Prof. Edamisan Temiye, identified poverty, poor diagnosis, late presentation as major challenges to management of childhood cancer in Nigeria “There is no reason why somebody who has cancer should be made to pay for that cancer because the cost is enormous. For example if a child has blood cancer, by the time we finished treatment in two to three years, the family would have spent N7 to N10 million. For kidney cancer in children which we treat for six months at the cost of N1.5 million, how many families in Nigeria can afford that in six months? In many countries of the world, cancer is the responsibility of government to treat. Now that the government has so many things in their hands, we are asking ourselves to help,” Prof. Temiye said. He urged individuals to contribute at least N1, 000 every month to the treatment of children living with cancer to relieve the burden off the shoulder of their parents. The Executive Director, Children Living With Cancer Foundation, CLWCF, Dr Nnekka Nwobbi who noted that the walk was part of the September childhood awareness programme to go Gold and Bold for children with cancer.

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